Mi$s y0u....

Mi$s y0u....
hheeh... miss me... love y0u forever.. >___<

BinT@ng2 yg Comey for KHJ

oh No!! this cartoon in pink colour, I like blue colour but I don't have it~~ huhuhu

L@waKl@h SgT...............

I found some really Cute Blogger Layouts at

My Whishli$t!!!

updated blog
makan durian

truttt truttt >___

get this widget here

dInG DoNg!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

inilah handphone yg aku idam2 kan...

heyy heyyy..
besday aku dh lps..
hurmm nk sgt handphone yg aku idam kan..
nokia lumia 900..
tp mahal sgt..
RM 1000 lebey..
nokia lumia 710.. pon jd la...
murah skit..
RM 900 x silap aku..
hehe hope dpt handphone idaman aku.. sbagai hadiah ari jadi..

this NOKIA LUMIA 900

this NOKIA LUMIA 710

aku nk handphone nie... mesti warne biru...
I want this phone.. must be in blue colour okeyyhh..

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Happy Birthday!!!

Happy Birthday 
Kim Hyun Joong!!!
Sweet 26~~
26 years old..
I have some present for you..
I hope I can meet you..
I hope you can hear it
and see this video..

TeRmEnUnG J@uH !!!!!

TeRmEnUnG J@uH !!!!!
Hai Farah, ape yg kau termenung tueh? Ingat Kim Hyun Joong Ke?

Ni ialah Bestfriends aku...

Ni ialah Bestfriends aku...
Aku syunk korang semua... hehehe... tp aku lebey syunk Kim Hyun Joong... hehehe